On the eve of “Shaping Competition Policy in the Era of Digitisation,” a European Commission-led conference on modernising competition rules, two leading global think tanks – Progressive Policy Institute in Washington DC and The Lisbon Council in Brussels – join forces to convene The 2019 Transatlantic Summit: Competition in the Digital Age, a deep dive into the cross-border dimension of competition policy in an era where everything local is global and everything global is local. The summit will take place in Brussels. The conclusions will feed directly into the European Commission’s Shaping Competition Policy in the Era of Digitisation conference, which convenes the following day.
If you plan on attending the summit, please send an e-mail at your earliest convenience with the subject heading “Competition in the Digital Age” to rsvp@lisboncouncil.net. Seats will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. Only registered participants will have access to the venue.
Wednesday, 16 January 2019
15h00-17h00 (registration and coffee from 14h30 onwards)
Residence Palace, International Press Centre
155 rue de la Loi, Brussels, Belgium
Watch the livestream of the event here: