The transatlantic economic partnership is strong: US-European Union merchandise trade totaled an estimated $787 billion (€598 billion) in 2013 – double the level of 2000. Yet, often overlooked is the importance of trade in data, which is now the fastest-growing segment in transatlantic trade. Notwithstanding concerns over data privacy and government surveillance, digital technologies are profoundly shaping and accelerating transatlantic commerce, a trend which has even led to calls to include a “digital chapter” in the ongoing negotiations for a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).
The Progressive Policy Institute (PPI) in Washington, DC and The Lisbon Council from Brussels – two leading think tanks – will facilitate a discussion aimed at finding ways to grow the transatlantic digital economy. With both sides of the Atlantic, particularly Europe, facing a slow economic recovery and even the prospect of secular stagnation, a thriving digital economy and transatlantic trade can spur much-needed growth and job creation. This necessitates, however, finding common ground on difficult issues surrounding cross-border data trade, data localization and data protection, as well as an improved framework for Internet governance. The summit is part of a multi-year collaboration between PPI and the Lisbon Council, aiming to shed light on how digital technologies and trade in data are impacting the transatlantic relationship.
8:30-9:00 a.m. – Coffee, Light Breakfast and Registration
9:00-10:30 a.m. – Opening Plenary
Growing the Transatlantic Digital Economy: Restoring Confidence, Exerting Global Leadership
Welcoming remarks:
10:30-11:30 a.m. – Panel Discussion
The Transatlantic Digital Agenda: Next Steps
11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. – Coffee Reception