The PPI Center for Funding America’s Future works to promote a fiscally responsible public investment agenda that fosters robust and inclusive economic growth.
The Progressive Policy Institute’s What Works Lab (WWL) is actively gathering evidence-based data on the effectiveness of programs that create and implement multiple education and training career pathways to jobs and opportunities for students and workers.
The Energy and Climate Solutions Initiative links two vital and inseparable national goals: assuring abundant and affordable energy for Americans while lowering U.S. and global greenhouse gas emissions to combat climate change.
New Skills for a New Economy, a project of PPI, seeks to promote workforce development policies that level the playing field for degree and non-degree workers.
The mission of this project is to develop and test new themes, ideas, and policy proposals that can help Democrats and other center-left leaders make a new economic offer to working Americans and rally public support for defending freedom and democracy in a dangerous world.
The Mosaic Economic Project brings together a network of diverse woman who are experts in economics and technology - fields where women's perspectives are grossly underrepresented.
As America grapples with growing attacks on democratic values and increasing racial divides, public schools offer a crucial opportunity for a better path forward.
Based in Washington, DC and part of the Progressive Policy Institute, the Innovation Frontier Project explores the role of public policy in science, technology, and innovation.
The Progressive Policy Institute, in partnership with the Kauffman Foundation, has launched the Metro Federalism Caucus to advocate for a more direct and empowering relationship between national and local government leaders.