Energy and Climate Solutions Initiative

The Energy and Climate Solutions Initiative links two vital and inseparable national goals: assuring abundant and affordable energy for Americans while lowering U.S. and global greenhouse gas emissions to combat climate change. These goals must be pursued in tandem because we won’t be able to build majority support for climate action if Americans fear it will lead to higher energy costs at home or free-riding by the world’s major carbon-emitters. Only by tackling both sides of the energy and climate equation can U.S. leaders break today’s political deadlock between climate deniers and fossil prohibitionists and create a politically sustainable strategy for America’s clean energy transition.

Energy innovation and collaboration are key. PPI supports new partnerships in which government incentivizes energy companies to accelerate progress toward methane reduction, zero-carbon transportation technology, carbon capture, electricity storage, hydrogen, biomass, geothermal, next-generation nuclear power, and other clean and efficiency-enhancing technologies.

We also believe that natural gas has a central role in the clean energy transition at home and abroad. PPI has been a strong advocate for expanding exports of U.S. natural gas to help other countries — both to reduce their dependence on higher-emitting coal as well as energy from authoritarian petrostates like Russia and Iran.

To accelerate the clean energy transition, it’s also imperative that we reform today’s sclerotic energy permitting and infrastructure review process. Setting firm deadlines for regulatory action will speed the buildout of new clean technologies and transmission, lowering both consumer costs and carbon emissions.

Finally, PPI is committed to ensuring that the economic benefits of new energy technologies reach all Americans, not just the affluent. Genuinely progressive energy and climate policies must assure working and low-income Americans that they will gain good jobs and consumer benefits as our nation moves toward a decarbonized economy.

Issue areas

Issue areas

  • Clean Energy Technology Deployment
  • Methane and Carbon Mitigation
  • US Natural Gas and the Clean Energy Transition
  • Energy Permitting Reform
  • Reducing Emissions from Transportation
  • Global Climate Solutions
  • Climate and International Trade
  • Decarbonizing Urban Areas