Center for Funding America’s Future
The PPI Center for Funding America’s Future fosters robust and inclusive economic growth. To that end, the Center has published a comprehensive budget blueprint ahead of each U.S. presidential election that offers the next administration several dozen “radically pragmatic” proposals to strengthen public investments in the foundation of our economy, modernize federal health and retirement programs to reflect an aging society, and transform our tax code to reward work over wealth — all while putting the national debt on a downward trajectory.
The most recent version of this report can be found here.
The Center also regularly provides additional analysis and commentary to help shape public debates and legislative efforts. For example, during the 2020 presidential election, it produced the only comprehensive apples-to-apples estimate of the four leading Democratic candidates’ fiscal plans. It then responded quickly and forcefully to the COVID-19 pandemic, publishing a comprehensive report within days of the national lockdowns that offered 30 policy proposals to combat the coming recession (and those that come after) using automatic stabilizers. During the Biden Administration, the Center’s work helped inform the development of several landmark pieces of legislation, including the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the Inflation Reduction Act. These publications and more can be found below.

Major Publications
Paying for Progress: A Blueprint to Cut Costs, Boost Growth, and Expand American Opportunity
How the $400K Tax Pledge Undermines Policymaking
How Student Debt Forgiveness Widens the Diploma Divide
Reconciling with Reality: The Top Priorities for Building Back Better
Emergency Economics: Fighting a Recession in 2020 and Beyond
How the Democratic Presidential Candidates Would Fund America’s Future
Funding America’s Future: A Progressive Budget for Equitable Growth
Ending America’s Public Investment Drought
Defunding America’s Future: The Squeeze on Public Investment in the United States