America’s system of higher education was created primarily for the chosen. But slowly, in fits and starts, it is being forced by policy makers and the market to cater to virtually all Americans. As this happens, our notion of what “college” means is changing, and the old elitist ways of keeping score are under increasing attack.
Please join New America and the Washington Monthly for a panel discussion with individuals on the cutting edge of this “Higher Ed for Everyone” movement, as featured in the Washington Monthly’s newly-released 2018 College Guide and Rankings.
Lunch will be served.
Kevin Carey, @kevincarey1
Director, Education Policy Program, New America
Todd Clear
Distinguished Professor, School of Criminal Justice, Rutgers University-Newark
Paul Glastris, @glastris
Editor in Chief, Washington Monthly
Danette Howard, @DanetteHoward16
Senior VP and Chief Strategy Officer, Lumina Foundation
Anne Kim, @Anne_S_Kim
Senior Fellow, Progressive Policy Institute
Joseph T. Nairn, @NPRCpres
Founding President, Northern Pennsylvania Regional College
Follow the conversation online using #WaMoCollegeGuide and following @NewAmericaEd and @Washmonthly.
Higher Education for Everyone
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
12:00 PM – 2:00 PM EST
740 15th Street NW, Suite 900
Washington, DC 20005