Improving the regulatory system is paradoxically one of the most politically contentious areas that the new Congress will address, while offering the greatest possibilities for bipartisan action. Please join the Progressive Policy Institute on March 2, 2015, as our distinguished guests explore prospects for regulatory improvement in the new Congress; examine how regulatory accumulation is holding back entrepreneurship; and discuss how regulators can encourage innovation in health care.
This event was made possible by the generous support of the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation.
Lunch will be provided.
Opening Plenary: What are the Prospects for Regulatory Improvement in the New Congress?
Keynote: Sen. Angus King (I-Maine)
Panel Discussion: Rep. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Arizona) and Rep. Ted Yoho (R-Florida)
Moderator: Will Marshall, Progressive Policy Institute
Panel: Regulatory Accumulation and Entrepreneurship
Is the growing accumulation of regulations over time holding back business startups? And how can the regulatory system be improved to encourage entrepreneurship?
Michael Mandel, Progressive Policy Institute
Jason Wiens, Kauffman Foundation
Adam Thierer, Mercatus Center
Cary Coglianese, University of Pennsylvania
Moderator: Megan McArdle, Bloomberg View
Keynote Lunch: FTC Commissioner Maureen Ohlhausen
Panel: Encouraging Innovation in Healthcare
Together the private and public sector spend roughly $100 billion per year on biosciences R&D. Yet despite enormous scientific progress in recent years, we’ve seen relatively few technological breakthroughs in biosciences run the regulatory gauntlet and make it to market. This panel will discuss whether regulatory processes at the FDA and CMS can be improved in a way that maintains the highest standards of safety while encouraging disruptive innovations that improve or maintain patient outcomes and reduce costs.
Joseph Gulfo, Former CEO, Mela Sciences
Robert Graboyes, Mercatus Center
Toby Bloom, New York Genome Center
Gregory Daniel, Brookings
Moderator: Michael Mandel, Progressive Policy Institute