Join us on Wednesday, June 14th @ 2:00 PM EST for a one-hour Zoom webinar to learn about Purdue Polytechnic High School (PPHS). Founded by Purdue University and the City of Indianapolis in partnership with community, industry and academic leaders, PPHS prepares students to succeed in technical STEM-related postsecondary programs and high-tech careers.Our panel of experts will dive into the success of PPHS, its unique and innovative model and how it’s helping to develop strong college and career pathways for students. Additionally, panelists will discuss the school’s expansion in IN and ways federal and state policy can facilitate further replication and scale. This conversation is critically important as it will help inform the necessary reforms to ensure our nation’s education system creates paths to greater economic opportunity for our nation’s young people.
This webinar is in collaboration between PPI’s New Skills for a New Economy Project, Reinventing America’s Schools Project and The 74.
Our panelists include:
Moderated By: