April 30, 2010
Steven Chlapecka –, T: 202.525.3931
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Tom Colicchio will join the Progressive Policy Institute and FreshFarm Market on Wednesday, May 5 to promote a “Good Food, Good Jobs” initiative—a food jobs program—to fight hunger, foster economic growth and bolster employment.
With almost 49 million Americans living in households that can’t afford enough food, high food prices and skyrocketing unemployment have forced millions of families to choose less healthy, less expensive food. Affordable, nutritious food is key to fighting the chronic problems of hunger, malnutrition and obesity that face many communities throughout the United States. And innovative employment ideas are needed to get the nation back to work. Joel Berg’s report for PPI on this topic argues that, just as the Obama Administration and Congress have supported “green jobs,” they should launch a “Good Food, Good Jobs” initiative, quickly creating food jobs to boost the economy and improve public health.
WHO: Tom Colicchio – Chef and Head Judge of Bravo’s Top Chef
Joel Berg – Executive Director, New York City Coalition Against Hunger, author of All You Can Eat: How Hungry is America? and former Coordinator of Community Food Security under the Clinton Administration at USDA
Ann Yonkers – Co-Director, FreshFarm Markets
WHAT: Public event to promote policy proposal outlined in the Progressive Policy Institute report “Good Food, Good Jobs: Turning Food Deserts Into Jobs Oases” written by Berg.
WHEN: 5 p.m. Wednesday, May 5
WHERE: Foggy Bottom FreshFarm Market, 2301 I St. NW, Washington, D.C. (Near 24th St. and New Hampshire Ave.)
MEDIA COVERAGE: The event is open to the media and individual interviews with speakers are available upon request. Media in attendance are required to register in advance of the event to Steven Chlapecka at
For further questions, please contact Steven Chlapecka at, 202.525.3931 (office), 202.556.1752 (cell).
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