Today, Erin Delaney, Director of Health Care Policy at the Progressive Policy Institute (PPI), released the following statement on the House passage of the Lower Cost, More Transparency Act:
“PPI applauds the House passage of the bipartisan Lower Cost, More Transparency Act, a critical step to hold the health care system more accountable and encourage much-needed transparency around health care costs. This legislation creates more fairness in what people are paying for health care and provides more accurate and timely information about the cost of services and procedures to empower patients to make more informed decisions about the care they receive. Making patients informed consumers of health care through price transparency can leverage competition to control costs.
“We are particularly pleased to see that through this legislation, Congress is progressing in addressing site-neutral payment reform to prevent patients from being charged more for the exact same care because of the location where they received it. We hear plenty of stories about how patients are increasingly confused by the shockingly expensive bills they receive, especially when their medical care shifts from an outpatient to a hospital-based setting.
“As we head into the holiday season — when millions of Americans and their families are hyper-focused on the high cost of living and struggling to afford medical care — it is a relief to see that lawmakers are taking the next important step to reduce the financial strain that comes from irrationally high medical costs. As PPI continues to support efforts to make health care costs more transparent and affordable for all Americans, we are reassured to see the House passage of this important legislation and encourage a swift passage in the Senate.”
The Progressive Policy Institute (PPI) is a catalyst for policy innovation and political reform based in Washington, D.C. Its mission is to create radically pragmatic ideas for moving America beyond ideological and partisan deadlock. Learn more about PPI by visiting
Media Contact: Amelia Fox,