June 30, 2010
Steven Chlapecka—, T: 202.525.3931
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Will Marshall, president of the Progressive Policy Institute, will testify today at 2 p.m. before the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform during the commission’s first public listening session. Marshall will urge the commission to carefully examine national spending and create an ambitious but attainable fiscal target to address the United States’ mid- and long-term deficit challenges. The commission’s listening session live webcast can be viewed at
“There is a common assumption in Washington that you can either have a fiscally responsible government or a progressive government, but you can’t have both,” said PPI President Will Marshall. “But, I’ve always rejected this assumption as a false choice. A progressive government can and must live within its means. It’s not really progressive if it chases the illusion of borrowed prosperity.”
The bipartisan National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, created by President Obama to address our nation’s fiscal challenges, is charged with creating a plan after the midterm election to start unwinding America’s massive debt.
“We are looking for ideas,” said Commission Co-Chairman Erskine Bowles opening the commission’s third meeting on June 30, 2010.
Marshall is a member of the Brookings–Heritage Fiscal Seminar, a nonpartisan group of 16 federal budget and policy experts and frequently writes on the need to control the large and growing federal debt.
For further questions, please contact Steven Chlapecka at, 202.525.3931 (office), or 202.556.1752 (cell).
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