Anne Kim, PPI Managing Director of Policy and Strategy, explains how online petitions distract Congress from real issues over at U.S. News:
“Recently, Congress finally wrapped up weeks of heated debate over the survival of the Export-Import bank—a tiny, independent, and once-obscure agency that involves just 2 percent of U.S. exports.”
“The sudden spotlight on the once-incognito Export-Import bank is in part about election year politics; there aren’t enough teapots to hold the tempests politicos seem to brew daily. But credit also goes to a cottage industry of special interests organizations that make a living serving up “issues” as red meat for their memberships (and coincidentally as vehicles for their fundraising).”
“The campaign to end Export-Import Bank, for example, was one of several national petition drives being peddled by the right-leaning National Taxpayers Union. (The organization’s home page invites visitors to “Donate,” “Shop,” or “Take Action,” in that order, and the merchandise includes such books as How to Fight Property Taxes available for $9.95.) It was also a top legislative priority for the lobbying arm of the conservative Family Research Council, FRC Action, which prospective members can join for just $25, as well as a “key vote” for the Club for Growth.”
Read the entire op-ed HERE.