Emily Egan is the Director of Strategic Initiatives at the Albert Lepage Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Tulane University, where she designs and develops programs that serve the students and alumni founders. In this role, Emily assisted in the launch of the Greater New Orleans Startup Report, a regional benchmarking initiative that measures the startup activity in New Orleans. Prior to joining Tulane, Emily worked at The Idea Village where her primary role was operating the IDEAx Accelerator Program. This role included designing a suite of accelerator programs for high growth startups, creating specialized programs for specific industry verticals, and supporting The Idea Village alumni and investor community through fostering meaningful connections.
Emily was previously the Vice President of Emerging Programs at Entrepreneurs’ Organization, where she executed the inaugural cycle of A New Beginning Program in partnership with the State Department. This program brought 30 entrepreneurs from around the world for a 4-week program designed to give them the tools to grow their businesses.
Emily holds a B.A. in Politics from the Catholic University of America.