Elan Sykes, Energy Policy Analyst at the Progressive Policy Institute (PPI), released the following response in reaction to the New Democrat Coalition’s bipartisan permitting reform proposal.
“Combatting the climate crisis requires the ability to swiftly build and deploy massive new infrastructure and technology, without a thicket of federal and state regulations that slow the transition and in many cases even penalize cleaner technologies relative to fossil fuels. The Progressive Policy Institute has long advocated for updates to the existing regulatory framework to better reflect the impact and benefits of clean energy technologies for the climate and the U.S. economy.
“PPI supports the New Democrat Coalition’s proposal, which builds on successful, existing reforms while highlighting the need for ambitious modernization of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and specific new reforms for electricity transmission to place it on par with rules for natural gas. In September, PPI released policy recommendations for permitting reform legislation and is pleased to see those recommendations included in the New Democrat Coaliton’s plan.
“Securing permitting reforms will not only help address climate change with the proper urgency, but it will also lower household energy costs for American families in a time of concerning inflation. Congress must take effective, bipartisan action to break through this outdated, bureaucratic red tape and let America build.”
The Progressive Policy Institute (PPI) is a catalyst for policy innovation and political reform based in Washington, D.C. Its mission is to create radically pragmatic ideas for moving America beyond ideological and partisan deadlock. Learn more about PPI by visiting progressivepolicy.org.
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