January 30, 2020
Contact: or 202-525-3931
WASHINGTON— Just days before the crucial Iowa caucuses on Monday, February 3rd, the Progressive Policy Institute’s Center for Funding America’s Future has released a comprehensive new analysis of the top four candidates’ campaign proposals and how they would finance their agendas.
“If a Democrat beats Donald Trump in November, he or she will inherit a federal budget that under-invests in America’s future while running trillion-dollar deficits as far as the eye can see,” said PPI’s Director of the Center for Funding America’s Future, Ben Ritz. “PPI’s analysis shows which of the leading Democratic candidates have given voters a credible agenda for enacting progressive change and which are selling fiscal fantasies.”
Ritz lauded two of the candidates examined in the report saying, “Biden and Buttigieg should be commended, not just for limiting deficits, but also for making investments in education, infrastructure, and scientific research a priority in their spending plans. These critical public investments are the foundation for long-term economic growth and have been neglected by policymakers in Washington for far too long.”
“PPI’s examination of the candidates’ spending plans show that Sens. Sanders and Warren are in a category of their own when it comes to expansive government. In particular, Sanders’ gigantic, $50 trillion spending surge makes Franklin Roosevelt look like Calvin Coolidge,” said PPI President Will Marshall.
All four leading Democratic candidates for president would offer a dramatic departure from the Trump administration’s agenda of cutting taxes for the rich, slashing public investment, and undermining health-care coverage for millions of Americans.
Please click here to read the full report before the upcoming Iowa caucuses.
A column summarizing the analysis can be found here on
The Progressive Policy Institute is a catalyst for policy innovation and political reform based in Washington, D.C. Its mission is to create radically pragmatic ideas for moving America beyond ideological and partisan deadlock.
Founded in 1989, PPI started as the intellectual home of the New Democrats and earned a reputation as President Bill Clinton’s “idea mill.” Many of its mold-breaking ideas have been translated into public policy and law and have influenced international efforts to modernize progressive politics.
Today, PPI is developing fresh proposals for stimulating U.S. economic innovation and growth; equipping all Americans with the skills and assets that social mobility in the knowledge economy requires; modernizing an overly bureaucratic and centralized public sector; and defending liberal democracy in a dangerous world.
Contact: or 202-525-3931