Writing for Reuters on the Student loan bubble, Chadwick Matlin cites PPI published data on the topic.
The New York Federal Reserve, always interested in brightening our days, released a slideshow last week on student loans. It had little good news, but it did offer a reminder that in 2013 fewer people are indebted to the American Dream. Instead, they’re in debt because of it.
College, we’ve long been told, is the great equalizer. (And, despite the doomsayers, there’s reason to think it still is.) But increasingly, people are graduating in vastly different economic situations. More than 40 percent of 25-year-olds now have student debt, and 35 percent of twentysomethings are more than 90 days delinquent on loans that are being repaid. All of this comes as the average income for a 25- to 34-year-old with a bachelor’s degree is the lowest it’s been in years, down about $10,000 since 2000.
Read the full article here.