PPI President Will Marshall was quoted in a piece by Roll Call laying out the role of pragmatic progressives this Congress and their hope to make their centrist message heard in the larger, and distinctly more left-leaning, House Democratic Caucus:
Will Marshall, president of the Progressive Policy Institute, said that House Democratic leaders ultimately have a responsibility to represent the ideology of the majority of their members.
“The leaders have to reflect the caucus, right? And numerically speaking, the people in the caucus now have the lefter-tilt,” Marshall explained. “To the extent that there’s resistance [to the New Democrats], I don’t think it comes from the leaders as it does from the left wing of the party. Folks that are in very safe Democratic districts, very urban districts that produce supermajorities, people who are not vulnerable, they’re just under a different set of incentives and frankly they have closer ties to groups that are happier with the party’s status quo than the moderates are.”
Read the piece in its entirety on Roll Call.