Standards for connectivity have evolved to reflect the transition to the online world, where fast internet connection is now a prerequisite for integral services such as education, healthcare, and access to the global economy. It is more important than ever that Americans have access to reliable, updated broadband options, and that both federal and state policy support the availability of these services. Yet, in California, outdated regulatory requirements may be holding the state back from widespread updates to network infrastructure needed to connect underserved communities to the benefits that come with high speed internet access.
Today, the Progressive Policy Institute (PPI) released a new policy brief titled “The Opportunity Cost of Maintaining Copper Networks in California,” analyzing the challenges and costs posed by regulatory requirements to maintain outdated copper networks in California. Report author Malena Dailey, PPI’s Technology Policy Analyst, quantifies these costs in her brief and highlights the importance of updating policy to ensure that California can efficiently allocate available resources to expand broadband connection across the state.
Companies designated as Carriers of Last Resort in California are required to maintain the copper wires that carry voice traffic to certain customers, an expensive and arduous process which prioritizes legacy technology over modern network infrastructure. Though it is critical that connections are maintained in places where there are no alternatives, requiring maintenance of these networks may prevent reallocation of investment towards connecting rural communities to updated broadband.
“California can advance its broadband goals by allowing the replacement of copper networks, empowering access to the next generation of technology for those who have previously lacked access to the benefits of online services,” said Malena Dailey. “For California to reap the full benefits of private and public investment in telecommunications infrastructure, it is critical that state policies enable service providers to invest in new technology rather than sink resources into maintaining legacy copper networks.”
Download the policy brief here.
The Progressive Policy Institute (PPI) is a catalyst for policy innovation and political reform based in Washington, D.C. Its mission is to create radically pragmatic ideas for moving America beyond ideological and partisan deadlock. Learn more about PPI by visiting Find an expert at PPI and follow us on Twitter.
Media Contact: Amelia Fox,