Everyone wants a “free and open Internet.” But for a decade, a debate has raged over what, exactly, this means. There’s broad policy consensus about transparency and no-blocking rules, but experts differ on whether paid prioritization can be good for consumers. Should the FCC ban paid prioritization, or merely police it? What authority, if any, should the FCC use? Should the FCC “reclassify” broadband as a Title II common carrier service, regulate broadband under Title I using the powers it has claimed under Section 706, or await further Congressional instructions?
Join TechFreedom, the Progressive Policy Institute, and the Heritage Foundation for a lunch followed by a debate on net neutrality with leading experts in tech policy.
Please RSVP here, and click here to watch the debate live.
Re/code’s Amy Schatz will moderate the exchange including two economists and two lawyers, featuring:
Questions will be taken live on Twitter, so join the discussion on #NNDebate.