In a new study published by TechNet, PPI Chief Economic Strategist, Michael Mandel, explains America’s prospering “App Economy”:
“TechNet, the bipartisan policy and political network of technology CEOs that promotes the growth of the innovation economy, today released a new study showing that there are now roughly 466,000 jobs in the “App Economy” in the United States, up from zero in 2007.
“The study … also found that App Economy jobs are spread throughout the nation. The top metro area for App Economy jobs is New York City and its surrounding suburban counties, although together San Francisco and San Jose together substantially exceed New York. And while California tops the list of App Economy states with nearly one in four jobs, states such as Georgia, Florida, and Illinois get their share as well.
“According to our analysis, the App Economy has created roughly 466,000 jobs since the iPhone was introduced in 2007. How big can the App Economy get? That depends in many ways on the future of wireless and social networks. If wireless and social network platforms continue to grow, then we can expect the AppEconomy to grow along with them.”