Dorian Friedman is an independent writer and editor whose career has bridged journalism, nonprofit communications and public policy on a broad range of social issues. A former reporter with U.S. News & World Report, she also served as a policy editor for The American Prospect magazine and, most recently, philanthropy editor for The Washington Monthly. In the nonprofit arena, she directed communications and government affairs at Corporate Voices for Working Families, and was vice president for policy at The Welfare to Work Partnership, a leading public/private initiative of the Clinton administration designed to promote the American business community’s critical role in successful welfare reform. As a writer and advocate, her policy portfolio includes corporate social responsibility, family economic security, skills and workforce readiness, and other pressing challenges facing children and families today. She was privileged to get her start in Washington on the legislative staff of Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan of New York. Dorian has a bachelor’s in politics from Brandeis University, and a master’s in journalism from Columbia University.