WASHINGTON — The Progressive Policy Institute (PPI) today released a new report, “Fixing Uncompetitive Markets: Protecting Working Americans from the High Costs of Market Power,” authored by Diana L. Moss, Vice President and Director of Competition Policy at PPI. This report offers an in-depth analysis of how concentrated market power in key sectors harms working-class Americans by driving up prices, reducing choice, pushing down wages and benefits, and limiting economic mobility.
This new publication is a key output of PPI’s Campaign for Working America, which was launched earlier this year in partnership with former U.S. Representative Tim Ryan of Ohio. The Campaign aims to develop and test new themes, ideas, and policy proposals that help Democrats and other center-left leaders make a compelling economic offer to working Americans, bridge divides on cultural issues like immigration and education, and rally public support for the defense of democracy and freedom globally.
“The lack of competition in critical sectors — such as food, health care, and transportation — has placed an enormous strain on working families,” said Moss. “This report lays out a roadmap for policymakers to more vigorously enforce antitrust laws, promote competition, and prioritize the economic interests of consumers and workers over the dominance of powerful market players.”
The report highlights the urgent need to address harmful mergers and anticompetitive practices that increase costs for essential goods and services. Moss emphasizes that robust antitrust enforcement in highly concentrated markets will foster consumer, worker, and entrepreneurial freedom. Protecting consumers from harmful, deceptive practices such as drip pricing and junk fees, particularly in sectors with limited competition, is also a focus.
“Working Americans deserve a fair shot at economic success, and that starts with ensuring they are not burdened by uncompetitive markets that work against them,” Moss added.
Read and download the report here.
The Progressive Policy Institute (PPI) is a catalyst for policy innovation and political reform based in Washington, D.C. Its mission is to create radically pragmatic ideas for moving America beyond ideological and partisan deadlock. Learn more about PPI by visiting progressivepolicy.org. Find an expert at PPI and follow us on Twitter.
Media Contact: Ian O’Keefe – iokeefe@ppionline.org