PPI has consistently argued that in most cases, pro-investment and pro-innovation policies will give the best long-term results for raising the living standard of ordinary Americans, boosting domestic production, creating jobs and raising real wages. Today, private investment and nonresidential investment in equipment and structures as a share of GDP is still significantly below pre-recession levels. As a result, we believe that government policymakers should pay close attention to promoting investment, innovation, and productivity.
These principles should influence the government approach to mergers such as proposed combination of Comcast and Time Warner Cable. Antitrust authorities should assess the merger on the basis of how it might affect investment, innovation, and productivity as well as competition grounds. In addition, PPI research, based on official government statistics, shows that investment in the tech/info sector is creating job opportunities for blacks and Hispanics. These benefits should be part of the merger assessment process as well. (See https://www.