The Internet has become so integral to our everyday lives that it is easy to forget how young it is. Mosaic, the first graphical web browser, came out in 1993. Since then, the Internet’s phenomenal growth has transformed the way billions of people around the world communicate, learn, work, trade, campaign, mate, protest, plot and form communities.
All this seems inevitable in retrospect, but it wasn’t. In the 1990s, U.S. policymakers faced critical choices about who should build the Internet, how it should be governed, and to what extent it should be regulated and taxed. For the most part, they chose wisely to open a regulated telecommunications market to competition, stimulate private investment in broadband and digital technologies, and democratize access to the Internet.
The story of how scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs and venture capitalists created the technical basis for the digital revolution is familiar. Much less is said about the visionary policymakers who created the legal and regulatory framework that enabled the Internet’s exponential growth.
Controversial at the time, their decisions drew fire from both sides of the aisle. Conservatives complained that Washington’s efforts to expand access to the Internet constituted — you guessed it — a “war on the Web.” Liberals demanded a more aggressive regulatory stance to prevent predatory companies from dominating the digital economy. Also stoking fears of monopolies and demanding regulation were incumbent businesses threatened by new technologies and start-ups.
In steering a pragmatic course between ideological poles, the “digital policy pioneers” showed not only foresight, but a quality even rarer in Washington: humility. Instead of trying to direct the Internet’s evolution, they relied on competition to set prices and they let consumers decide which devices, technologies and services would thrive in the digital marketplace.
Key digital policy milestones include the Clinton administration’s 1993 blueprint for building an “information superhighway,” the landmark 1996 Telecommunications Act, and the 1998 framework for global e-commerce developed by White House adviser Ira Magaziner.
The most important pioneers, however, were President Clinton and Vice President Al Gore. They recognized before most that the new digital technologies were creating something fundamentally different, not just a high-tech version of the old telephone system.
As “Clinton’s idea mill,” PPI played a strong supporting role. During the 1990s, we launched a New Economy Task Force. The Task Force brought together high tech entrepreneurs from Silicon Valley and elsewhere with leading members of Congress to hammer out new “Rules of the Road” for nurturing the nascent digital economy.
The policies that took root in the ’90s were refined and strengthened during the Bush and Obama administrations. Digital policy, in fact, remains a rare, bipartisan exception to the zero-sum logic of polarization that has paralyzed our national government.
Our current leaders must work hard to maintain that consensus. After all, the vibrant innovation ecosystem that has grown up around the Internet is a prime catalyst for jobs and economic growth. According to research by Michael Mandel, PPI’s chief economic strategist, demand for apps has led to 750,000 new jobs since the iPhone was introduced in 2007.
The broadband Internet also is a powerful magnet for private investment. In 2013, telecom and tech companies topped PPI’s ranking of the top 25 companies that invested the most in the U.S. economy. And America is moving at warp speed toward the “Internet of Everything,” which promises to spread the productivity-raising potential of digital technology across the entire economy.
Nor are the Internet’s benefits exclusively economic. Ev Erhlich, in a report for PPI outlining a “Progressive Broadband Agenda,” stresses ways the Internet can help to reinvent “social” sectors like education, health care, as well as the delivery of government services.
In short, U.S. policymakers need to continue to get digital policy right, because our country’s prosperity and social progress depend upon it. That’s especially true now, as the open and decentralized Internet faces a new array of challenges. These include the backlash to the National Security Agency revelations; Europe’s determination to impose strict “data protection” rules that could deter transatlantic data trade; nationalist demands for “data localization,” which would impede cross-border data flows; the Internet’s use by criminals and terrorists for sinister purposes; and, a growing push by authoritarian countries, especially Russia and China, to subject the Internet to international regulation.
As we look back over the last two decades, it’s clear that the free and open Internet isn’t just a technological marvel. It’s also a major political achievement — and one that looks all the more impressive when juxtaposed to the partisan paralysis that afflicts Washington now. And it’s an achievement that needs defending today.
This piece was originally published by the Providence Journal, you can read it on their website here.