Ed Gerwin, PPI Senior Fellow for Trade and Global Opportunity, was quoted by Ana Campoy of Quartz talking about the importance and influence of Obama’s proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership:
Aside from the lower tariffs that are part of any run-of-the-mill trade agreement, TPP has a whole chapter on international e-commerce, and another on small- and medium-sized companies. The specific provisions of the pact have not been released yet, but a public summary of its contents shows that the TPP ‘could be potentially transformative,’ Ed Gerwin, a trade expert at the Progressive Policy Institute, tells Quartz.
For example, the treaty promises to speed up the process of getting merchandise across borders by making import rules more easily accessible and transparent. If the agreement is approved, express packages would be expedited and customs officials would be encouraged to adopt time-saving measures such as electronic forms and signatures.
‘That stuff is a big deal,’ says Gerwin. ‘Having uniform rules is really important.’”
Read the article in its entirety at Quartz.