The $3.5 trillion budget blueprint unveiled earlier this week by Senate Democrats would fund many policies from President Joe Biden’s American Jobs and Families Plans not covered by the $579 billion Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework. But among many worthwhile public investments is a new proposal that should give lawmakers pause: a costly expansion of Medicare paid for entirely by young Americans. Although lawmakers should be open to thoughtful improvements to Medicare, any changes must be financed in a way that is fair to Americans of all ages.
There are two possible changes to Medicare that Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., the chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, wants to include in the next major spending bill. The first proposal is to offer vision, dental, and hearing services not currently covered by Medicare at no additional cost to beneficiaries. The second proposal is to give Americans ages 60-64 the option to enroll in Medicare with the same premiums and benefits currently available to those over age 65 (which are heavily subsidized by income and payroll taxes paid by younger workers).
The problem with these proposals is that Medicare is already struggling to pay for the current suite of benefits it offers. Medicare Part A, which offers hospital insurance that is supposed to be fully funded by payroll taxes, will face a 10% budget shortfall five years from now. The amount of general revenue needed to subsidize Medicare Parts B and D, which cover physician services and prescription drug benefits, is projected to nearly double as a percent of gross domestic product over the next 20 years. These costs will impose a significant burden on young Americans, either by crowding out investments in their future or requiring them to pay higher taxes than current retirees did when they were in the workforce.
Giving today’s seniors, who have collectively enjoyed greater gains in income and wealth than younger Americans, a suite of new benefits they didn’t finance over their working lives or in retirement would only compound the intergenerational inequity built into current policy. That’s especially true if the Senate blueprint foregoes some investments in clean energy or child welfare, such as a permanent expansion of the Child Tax Credit, to make room for this costly expansion of Medicare.
There are better alternatives. Americans ages 60-64 could be allowed to buy into Medicare at a premium that covers the full cost of their coverage rather than the heavily subsidized one currently paid by people aged 65 and over. This option would still be cheaper for most beneficiaries than private insurance because Medicare is able to negotiate lower prices for services than private insurers. Any new vision, dental, or hearing benefits should have a significant share of the cost covered by income-based premiums and co-pays, as is currently the case for Parts B and D. A broad-based consumption tax that is paid by all consumers regardless of age could also help finance benefits in a way that doesn’t place the burden on anyone generation. Lawmakers should also consider pairing or preceding any benefit expansion with measures to close the existing financial shortfall in Medicare, such as the bipartisan TRUST Act.
For too long, Washington has allowed the growth of retirement programs to crowd out critical public investments in infrastructure, education, and scientific research. The new budget agreement is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to right this intergenerational wrong. It would be shameful for lawmakers to choose affluent retirees over working families yet again. Any expansion of Medicare should require some contribution by those who would benefit, or it should be dropped from the budget agreement altogether.