Will Marshall compiled four positive economic stories for Real Clear Politics that President Obama should be making better use of in his campaign for re-election. From farming to exports there are positive signs in the economy according to Marshall.
Despite a string of doleful job and sales reports, there are signs that America is starting to get its productive mojo working again. The good news can’t come fast enough for President Obama, who needs some economic success stories he can point to.
So, at the risk of diverting readers from the cosmically important question of when, exactly, Mitt Romney stopped running Bain Capital, let’s examine four pinpricks of light that have begun to penetrate the economic gloom:
First, check out America’s phenomenally productive farmers; Monday’s Washington Post notes that the agriculture sector last year sold $136 billion worth of goods abroad, boosting farm income to a record $98 billion. When it comes to high quality and affordable food, America is still number one in the world.
But, in a perfect example of the disjuncture between what’s happening in the real world and Washington’s thralldom to entrenched interests, Congress is cooking up new justifications for costly federal subsidies for the thriving agricultural sector. The culprits include supposedly fiscally conservative Republicans, who added callousness to hypocrisy by also voting to slash food stamps for poor families.
Read the entire article HERE