Will Marshall, President of the Progressive Policy Institute, released the following statement in reaction to the House passage of the Biden Administration’s bipartisan infrastructure framework:
“Congratulations to Speaker Pelosi and House Democrats for passing tonight a landmark infrastructure bill that is a key pillar of President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda for an inclusive economic recovery. The president has succeeded where previous administrations have failed, and this long overdue investment in modernizing American infrastructure will create good jobs, spur economic innovation and help U.S. workers and companies outcompete China for economic and technological leadership in this century.
“It is also a rarity in Washington – a major bipartisan achievement that fulfills President Biden’s pledge to make our government work for all Americans again. The infrastructure bill enjoys broad public support, including among voters in battleground districts and states likely to determine the outcome of next year’s midterm elections.
“We were also glad to see the Progressive Caucus retreat from their counterproductive and unsuccessful strategy of holding the bill hostage to their demands for higher spending. With a second landmark accomplishment under his belt, President Biden and the party can now move on to passing a transformative Build Back Better bill that can measurably improve Americans’ lives.
“To accomplish this goal, PPI urges lawmakers to focus on delivering a few core priorities well instead of trying to enact the full progressive wish list of spending programs on a half-funded and temporary basis. We remain concerned that the House bill – as currently written – tries to do too much with too little, wastes precious resources on tax cuts for the rich, and is not offset in a sustainable way. We encourage our friends in Congress to compromise and prioritize so they can deliver a durable progressive win for the American people.”
Read PPI’s statement on the agreement to the Build Back Better framework here.
The Progressive Policy Institute (PPI) is a catalyst for policy innovation and political reform based in Washington, D.C. Its mission is to create radically pragmatic ideas for moving America beyond ideological and partisan deadlock. Learn more about PPI by visiting progressivepolicy.org.
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