Here are a selection of PPI’s recent reports, op-eds and blog posts on global trade
“Confronting China’s Threat to Open Trade,” (Ed Gerwin) (June 2018)
Op-Ed in The Hill: “It’s time for Congress to step in and stop Trump’s trade abuses,” (Ed Gerwin) (June 2018)
Op-Ed in The Hill: “’Go-it-alone’ trade strategies are neither wise nor effective,” (Ed Gerwin) (March 2018)
Op-Ed in The Wall Street Journal: “In America’s Absence, the TPP Goes on,” (Ed Gerwin) (March 2018)
“How to Modernize and Strengthen NAFTA,” (Will Marshall and Ed Gerwin) (with University of California, Tecnológico de Monterrey, and COMEXI) (November 2017)
Op-Ed in U.S. News: “Trump the NAFTA Terminator,” (Ed Gerwin) (November 2017)
Op-Ed in The Hill: “Democrats’ trade plan tries to ‘out-Trump’ Trump – bad idea,” (Ed Gerwin) (August 2017)
Op-Ed in The Hill: “The bitter harvest of Trump’s protectionist stance,” (Ed Gerwin) (August 2017)
“Moving Beyond the Balance Sheet Economy,” in Policy Choices for a Digital Age, Friends of Europe,( June 2017). (Michael Mandel)
Op-Ed in The Hill: “Congress has provided a workable framework for renegotiating NAFTA,” (Ed Gerwin) (April 2017)
Op-Ed in CNBC: “How the US economy could suffer-bigly-under Trump’s trade agenda,” (Ed Gerwin) (March 2017)
Op-Ed in U.S. News: “Trade Works: Populists like Trump and Sanders Ignore How Trade Benefits Workers,” (Ed Gerwin) (November 2016)
“Trade and Good Jobs for the 99 Percent: Debating Trade, the Elites, and Jobs,” (Ed Gerwin) (October 2016)
PPI President Will Marshall Trade Debate: “Marshall Take on Trump Senior Policy Advisors,” (Will Marshall) (October 2016)
Op-Ed in The Hill: “Facing the future on trade: Democrats must reject anti-trade obstructionism,” (Ed Gerwin and Will Marshall) (September 2016)
“A Big Deal for Small Business: Seven Stories of How the Trans-Pacific Partnership Would Boost America’s Small Exporters,” (Ed Gerwin) (September 2016)
Op-Ed in RealClearPolicy: “Trump’s Wrong on Trade Policy & Maybe Trade Politics, Too,” (Ed Gerwin and Will Marshall) (June 2016)
Op-Ed in The Daily Beast: “Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders are Delusional on Trade Policy,” (Will Marshall and Ed Gerwin) (April 2016)
2015 and selected earlier reports
“The Trans-Pacific Partnership and Small Business: Boosting Exports and Inclusive Growth,” (Ed Gerwin) (November 2015)
Op-Ed in The Wall Street Journal: “Small Businesses With a Big Stake in the Pacific Trade Deal,” (Ed Gerwin) (November 2015)
PPI Blog Post: “How the Ex-Im Bank Serves Main Street,” (Ed Gerwin) (October 2015)
“Should the United States Adopt an Innovation Box?: The Post-BEPS Landscape,” (Michael Mandel and Michelle Di Ionno) (October 2015)
Op-Ed in The Daily Beast: “Hillary’s Fatal Trade Flip-Flop,” (Will Marshall) (October 2015)
“TPP and the Benefits of Freer Trade for Vietnam: Some Lessons from U.S. Free Trade Agreements,” (Ed Gerwin) (September 2015)
“Uncovering the Hidden Value of Digital Trade,” (Paul Hofheinz and Michael Mandel) (July 2015)
PPI Blog Post: “Lebron James and the Do-Something Democrats: Support for Democrats “In the Arena” on Trade,” (Ed Gerwin) (June 2015)
The BEPS Effect: New International Tax Rules Could Kill US Jobs,” (June 2015) (Michael Mandel)
“The Blame Game: Multinational Taxation in an Era of Knowledge,” (May 2015) (Michael Mandel, Paul Weinstein & Sarah O’Byrne)
”The Digital Opportunity: Democratizing Trade for the 99 Percent,” (Ed Gerwin) (May 2015)
Op-Ed in Republic 3.0: “The Digital Economy, Trade Agreements and the 99 Percent,” (Ed Gerwin) (May 2015)
Op-Ed in CNN: ”Why trade is in the national interest,” (Will Marshall) (April 2015)
Op-Ed in The Hill: “How the Obama Trade Agenda can Advance Progressive Goals,” (Ed Gerwin) (April 2015)
“The Obama Trade Agenda: Five Things for Progressives to Like,” (Ed Gerwin) (February 2015)
“Data, Trade, and Growth,” in Measuring Globalization: Better Trade Statistics for Better Policy – Volume 2. Factoryless Manufacturing, Global Supply Chains, and Trade in Intangibles and Data, Susan N. Houseman and Michael Mandel, eds. W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research (2015).
Bridging The Data Gap: How Digital Innovation Can Drive Growth and Jobs,” (April 2014) (Paul Hofheinz and Michael Mandel)
“Manufacturing in the App Economy: How Many Jobs Should We Aim For?,” (May 2012) (Michael Mandel and Diana Carew)
“Hidden Toll: Imports and Job Loss Since 2007,” (March 2012) (Michael Mandel and Diana Carew)
“Measuring the Real Impact of Imports on Jobs,” (March 2012) (Michael Mandel and Diana Carew)
“Taxing Capital in a Supply-Chain World,” (November 2010) (Michael Mandel)