On Tuesday, May 20 Will Marshall, PPI President, joined a bipartisan group of House members to announce a proposal for a Regulatory Improvement Commission that would weed out accumulated rules and modernize outdated federal regulations in an effort to spur growth and innovation. PPI was noted for its work on the proposed legislation in Benjamin Goad’s article for The Hill. Goad also quoted statements made by Marshall during Tuesday’s press conference.
Thus far, the push has attracted support from two dozen members of the House and Senate, including 10 Democrats. The Progressive Policy Institute (PPI) is also pressing the idea.
Officials from the group noted that every president from Jimmy Carter to President Obama has directed his administration to root out overly burdensome rules, though they said none has made sufficient progress toward addressing the accumulation of new rules, continuously layered upon the old ones.
“It’s not because we hate regulations,” PPI President Will Marshall said. “It’s because we love economic growth and innovation.”
Read the full article on The Hill’s website here.