In our newest report, “U.S. Investment Heroes of 2013: The Companies Betting on America’s Future,” we highlight the top U.S. Investment Heroes of 2013, as ranked by their U.S. investment.
PPI’s ranking of U.S. Investment Heroes for 2013 is led by AT&T, which invested almost $20 billion in the U.S. in 2012. The top five are rounded out by Verizon, Exxon, Chevron, and Intel, and together these five companies invested over $66 billion in the U.S. during the last year.* Total U.S. investment by the top 25 companies amounted to almost $150 billion last year, spent on high-speed broadband deployment, oil and natural gas production, and new corporate and retail facilities.
Telecommunications and cable, energy, and technology dominated this year’s Investment Heroes list, comprising 18 out of our top 25 companies. The fact that these three sectors are driving U.S. private fixed investment reflects their importance in driving U.S. economic growth.
Given the importance of investment as a path to sustainable growth, it is essential our economic policies make domestic business investment a priority. In our report we put forward four ways to encourage more U.S. investment: simplify the corporate tax system, invest in workforce training, don’t over-regulate innovative industries, and free up more spectrum.
*See full report for complete methodology and definitions.