Governing Breaks Out in Washington
The Progressive Policy Institute (PPI) released the following statement by PPI President Will Marshall in reaction to the announcement of a deal on the bipartisan infrastructure framework:
“Bravo to President Biden and the bipartisan group of U.S. Senators who after weeks of hard bargaining reached a deal today on a $550 billion investment in modernizing America’s economic infrastructure.
“Special kudos to Sens. Kyrsten Sinema and Rob Portman, who persevered in the face of skepticism and harsh criticism from obdurate partisans in their own parties to forge the agreement. The first-term Senator from Arizona and retiring veteran from Ohio showed our fractured country what real leadership and patriotism look like.
“We hope Democrats and pragmatic progressives will rally behind the agreement, which is worth supporting for three solid reasons:
“First, America urgently needs to repair and upgrade our country’s foundations for vibrant economic growth, innovation and competitiveness. The bill is not perfect – no legislative compromise ever is – but it’s what we need to get our country moving again and outcompete China for economic and technological leadership.
“Second, the deal fulfills President Biden’s pledge to govern for the good of all Americans, not just those who voted for him. He’s stood firm not only against the usual right-wing obstructionists, but also left-wing naysayers who confuse the search for political common ground with an abandonment of principle.
“Third, if Congress approves the agreement, it will send a powerful signal at home and abroad about the resilience of American democracy. For more than a decade, both parties have talked about going big on infrastructure to no result. Donald Trump, who fancied himself a master negotiator, got precisely nowhere on the issue over four chaotic years in office. In only six months, Biden and the Senate group have set the stage for bipartisan action to advance a critically important national interest.
“Now it’s up to the Senate and House to show that our democracy can deliver tangible benefits to the American people. We don’t underestimate the political obstacle course that must still be run to turn a promising legislative deal into reality. But that’s no reason not to cheer a long overdue outbreak of governing competence in Washington.”
The Progressive Policy Institute (PPI) is a catalyst for policy innovation and political reform based in Washington, D.C. Its mission is to create radically pragmatic ideas for moving America beyond ideological and partisan deadlock. Learn more about PPI by visiting
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